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Herbal Medicine

Writer's picture: Pa ChoiChoiPa ChoiChoi

CD2 M13 - August 22, 2017


What is the Importance of Herbal Medicine?

  • Herbal medicine has been practiced since the time of our Malay ancestors

  • Herbal medicine is an effective and cheap alternative for modern medicine

  • Herbs can be grown almost anywhere

  • Plants supply the body with healing energies for the most common ailments

  • Not all plants have medicinal value

  • Herbal medicine cause less side effects on the body than man-made drugs



Commonly Used Herbs and the Ailments

  • The Department of Health (DOH) has proven what our ancestors knew and practiced - that herbal medicines are safe and effective

  • After years of research and development, the DOH is promoting the use of the ten most common herbal medicines in the Philippines. These are:

  1. Lagundi

  2. Yerba Buena

  3. Sambong

  4. Tsaang Gubat

  5. Niyug-niyugan

  6. Bayabas

  7. Akapulko

  8. Pansit-pansitan

  9. Bawang

  10. Ampalaya

  • Herbal medicines are found to be effective in curing the most common ailments like headache, stomachache, diarrhea, cough, colds and fever

  • More studies are now being conducted on other herbal medicines that may have medical answers to various ailments or illnesses



Easy and Practical Ways of Preparing Herbal Medicines

  • Most herbal medicines can be prepared right in your own home and used whenever someone in your family is sick

  • Preparing the herbal medicines is very easy because the main ingredient is readily available. All you need to know are the right ingredients and procedures. Herbal medicines can also be prepared in a number of ways

  • Most plant parts are used in making herbal medicines

  • Herbal medicines are also available in drugstores and hospitals in the form of tablets, capsules, syrup, lotions or ointment


  • Plants are not only a source of food, shelter and clothing. They can also be a great source of medicines

  • Years of research have proven that a number of plants have medicinal values. These are called herbal medicines. Most of these herbs are found and grown all over the Philippines

  • For many countries, herbal medicine has been an ordinary part of the lives of our ancestors. For them, the practice of herbal medicine is easy to do, safe, and it is nature's way of providing relief and comfort

  • Herbal medicine is an alternative for those who cannot afford to buy expensive prescription or commercial drugs

  • Plant parts are the main ingredients in using and preparing medicines

  • With the use of herbal medicine, relief and comfort from ailments or disease is immediate. The medicine is made using easy and simple procedures

  • Most herbal medicines, like modern prescription drugs, are also made into tablets, capsules, lotion, ointment, and tea. These can be bought in drugstores

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