CD 3 M17 - July 19, 2017
The Rights and Responsibilities of a Child
According to the United Nations, persons whom we consider as children are those below 18 years we of age of either sex•
The traits and capabilities of a child should be developed by his/her family, school, church, organization and the community. They should also provide the child with opportunities to grow, learn & develop.
A child is one of the most important assets of nation
In this lesson, you have just learned the rights and responsibilities of a child. Remember the following:
- A child has the right to:
be given proper birth
be nurtured by a family
live in an environment that promotes well-being
be healthy
be cared for by parents
be educated
be safe from any form of abuse
engage in recreation
receive care, protection & assistance from the government
live in a peaceful society
be ruled by an effective & honest government
live with freedom & responsibility
The responsibilities of the child are:
love, respect & obey his her parents
extend to his / her brothers and sisters love, thoughtfulness, & helpfulness
develop his/her potential for service to the nation by getting an education
respect his/her elders and the customs and traditions of our people, heroes, leaders, laws and democracy
participate actively in socio-civic affairs ; and
help in the observance of individual human rights, the strengthening of freedom, the promotion of cooperation among nations for world peace and prosperity
The Role of Society in the Development of the Child
Parents have the following duties toward their children:
To give them affection, companionship & understanding.
To provide them with moral guidance, in still in them self-discipline and religious instruction
To supervise their activities, including their recreation
To teach them the value of thrift and self-reliance
To encourage them to participate in socio-civic affairs, teach them the duties of a good citizen, and develop the commitment to one's country
To advise them properly on any matter affecting their development and well being
To always set a good example
To provide them with enough support
The school also has duties to the child. These include the following:
No child is to be refused admission in public school
Public nursery and kindergarten schools should be maintained whenever possible
There should be special classes in every province and special schools for the physically handicapped, mentally retarded, emotionally disturbed, and gifted children
School children and students should be provided with enough classrooms & facilities, including playground, space and facilities for recreation.
The school environment should be free from dangers to the health and safety of the children.
It should be the duty of the community to:
Bring about a healthy environment necessary to the normal growth of children and the development of their physical, mental & spiritual well-being
Help institutions of learning, whether public or private, achieve the fundamental objectives of education
Organize or encourage activities for the cultivation of the interests of children
Promote the establishment and maintenance of adequately equipped playgrounds, parks and other recreational facilities
Support parent education programs by encouraging its members to attend & actively participate in them
Assist the government in fighting juvenile crimes and rehabilitating young lawbreakers
Aid in carrying out special projects for the betterment of children who live in the remote areas, belong to the cultural minorities, or are out-of-school. They should cooperate with private and public child welfare agencies in providing care , training and protection to poor, abandoned, neglected, abused and handicapped children
Barangay Councils, socio-civic associations and youth associations should be developed and maintained in the Community to guide and train children in terms of education, social responsibility and care for the environment.
In this module, you learned about the different rights and responsibilities of children. You learned that the child is one of the most important assets of every nation. Indeed, the future of the nation rests in the hands of its children. Every effort must then be made to guide and protect the children so they will grow up to be responsible adults.
Children do not grow up to be responsible adults by themselves. They need the support and guidance of the different sectors of society. The most important institutions that guides children is the family. The family, especially parents, have duties to perform. Other institutions that have responsibilities to every child are schools and the community. Each of these institutions must work together to guide every child. Remember that the future of our country rests on our children.