You may be wondering why is my explanation contradicts the title of my poster? This is because, as of now, Youtube has a lot of problems regarding security. Actually, there are a ton of features that I would love to change in Youtube besides security, such as the sudden turn into a cash grab platform, the removal of dislike buttons which is a one-step towards silencing the opinion of the masses, the rise of toxic nonsense Youtube bots especially in the comments & the removal of the feature of the chatting opportunity or the direct message between the YouTubers & their audience. But the lack of security & protection especially to regular young viewers is the one feature that I am definitely concerned about & am willing to do my best to change it if I had been given the opportunity to.
The Application That I'm Willing To Have A Change In One Of Their Feature
Out of all the applications, I didn't choose Youtube just because I myself am a Youtuber, but due to the worldwide connection from this platform. The wider the audience is, the faster false information & bad influences can spread. There are contents that I sadly found on Youtube that is too inappropriate & never been a child-friendly one but is listed as "For Kids". Youtube algorithm finds keywords that are related to some kid's content & immediately recommends it to kids, without even checking if the content is safe for them.

Since the video is recommended for kids, there are chances that the kids will be exposed to some terrible & inappropriate content! Due to curiosity, I checked & watched some of them & ended up getting traumatized even as a teenager! There are some kid videos that showed rape, romanticizing pregnancy, murder & drugs that are disguised as kid-friendly content! Such videos are titled as "Spiderman having an affair source: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Elsagate
with Elsa", "Cartoon Hook-Ups",
"Elsa kisses Anna!, Elsa is drunk, Anna is in danger!", "Peppa Pig horror shots & creepy blood violence gore" & so many more! If you think I'm kidding, no! These types of videos actually exist & there are millions of videos like these that are being shared on Youtube! If I was a 17 year old been disgusted & traumatized by these types of contents, what more if a kid had watched those alone?!
Some of the videos that were mentioned above do indeed respectfully didn't list their content as "For Kids". However, due to the curiosity of one's child mind & the keyword that is related to their field of interest, they will highly & most likely be exposed to the inappropriate videos a kid may find, especially when there is no parental guidance (or generally someone who knows the difference between good & bad)

Although there is another app called "Youtube Kids" made specifically for children, those types of dirty videos will still exist on the same platform. If I had been one of the people who can change the features on Youtube,
I would do my best to implement tight security & protection services on the application. This is being done when uploading a video on Youtube, there will always be strict checkers (not bots) who are going to properly scan the video especially when it is marked for kids before the Youtuber can upload it online!
I understand why there is not much of a proper scan before the release of the video because those features will require a ton of human resources, time & effort, but for the sake of the children, I think it would be totally worth it!
For me, this is one of the biggest problems with Youtube. I would do my best & even volunteer for this type of change on the application. For me, the experiences of a child are one of the precious things that must be protected & that is why I use my time & effort to research & spread more awareness about the said issue. If you may ask if there is a Youtube Kids (unlike other apps that don't have specific content towards kids like Facebook, Snapchat, etc), why should I worry then? Just like what I said, there will always be inappropriate content that will be catered to children due to the lack of proper scanning before a Youtuber can upload. This makes no sense & is very ridiculous to me because as a Youtuber, Copyright claims have been taken 10 times more seriously than the danger of the exposure of not-so-child friendly & safe videos for kids to watch online!
Anyone can make a Youtube video nowadays! There is no background check on Youtuber who may wish to share their content online! I think the purpose of these types of content creators (the one who uses a child's interests in such a terrible manner) is to traumatize, troll, ruin childhood, or even brainwash such young audiences!
As you also noticed, why my poster is too blueish & full of green colors is because blue is a color for "Unity", while green is a color that represents "Safety". This means that I want Youtube to be a platform that connects with a lot of people without fearing the safety of both the viewers & the content creators. I love to recommend you to watch the video that I'm going to share if you are interested & want to learn more about this type of issue:
I highly recommend to always look out for your child, what they are watching even when they are on Youtube Kids! We may never know the limits of a child's curiosity to explore in such a worldwide platform as Youtube. Always be aware of what content your kid might accidentally (or not) come across in this application to avoid such confusion, depression & such bad influences. Thank you & stay safe :D
Very informative thanks for posting 😊
I agree with you regarding this issue.
Thank you very much for spreading awareness !